Since the beginning of time, nothing has inspired people to declutter, move and put items in storage quite like great music.
As Plato said to Socrates, while loading old manuscripts into his chariot, ready for self-storage, “Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
Whether you’re packing, storing and moving with family, friends, colleagues, your better half or the hottie across the hallway, the right song can put a bounce in your step, just when it’s needed.
Here are some of the Smartbox team’s favourite songs to declutter, pack and shift to. What are some of yours?
Let’s get physical ? Olivia Newton-John
The song that launched the retina-burning 80s gym fashion craze is just what you need to warm up tight muscles and procrastinating minds on move and storage days. It’s also been known to incite its share of steamy glances across cluttered rooms, overtly suggestive box lifts, and exaggerated, slow-motion stretches for packaging tape.

Moving on up? M People
One cannot help but shake the physical attributes one’s Momma gave them when this superfly dance-pop track is playing loud and proud. Along with its infectious beat, the lyrics will inspire you to bigger and better things after, for example, finding your partner and your new neighbour rearranging the furniture in matching fluoro headbands and Lycra.

Born to run ? Bruce Springsteen
A radio station in Cleveland Ohio plays this ultimate escape anthem every Friday night at 5pm to lift listener’s spirits and remind them that good times are just around the corner. A long, day of heavy lifting and shifting is just so much, well, better, when it includes a group air-saxophone and croon-a-long with The Boss. Tramps like us, baby we were born to store!

With a little help from my friends ? The Beatles
Where would we be without those true friends who come running when we need help rearranging, cleaning out, or shifting home or office contents? Ok, so maybe all they heard you say was, “The beer, pizza and wine is on me!”, but we figure anyone who gives up their precious time to offer support and brawn to a mate in need deserves to be celebrated in song.

Hit the road Jack ? Ray Charles
No one is quite sure if this melange of rock, soul, pop, jazz and gospel is about ‘On the Road’ author Jack Kerouac and his search for life meaning, or just some random bloke named John who was kicked out the house by his missus. What we do know is that it will magically transform even the most hapless bunch of misfits into a rhythmically smooth production line, all the way from your living room to your Smartbox container.

Our house – Madness
The soundtrack to the love story of the year, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless House, in which the hero (that’s you) expresses undying love for their beautiful, if recently neglected, home with a stylish renovation, creative reorganisation or space enhancing de-clutter. Described by the critics as, ‘Moving. 5 stars!’ Sounds like madness? Funny you say that.

I feel the earth move ? Carol King
If stress levels are threatening the Richter scale during a packing and moving operation, this Carole King pop classic is just the medicine. As Carole demonstrates, you don’t even need an ounce of rhythm to dance along. Trivia moment – they play this song in the earthquake room exhibit at the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI). Seismologist humour?who would have guessed?

She wants to move ? N.E.R.D
Gentlemen (and ladies), as we know, when a woman makes up her mind once and for all, there’s no swaying her. So, if she says it’s time to move, best not to argue. Instead, help the girl out? or Pharrell Williams might. Warning: this track is so darn sexy you’ll feel hot and bothered just matching your Tupperware lids to their containers.

Spring ? Vivaldi
Cleaning, moving and storing cannot live on bumps, grinds and twerks alone. Some jobs, such as packing glassware, antiques and cherished musical instruments, require a handle-with-care attitude and cool head. Vivaldi brings everyone back to an almost sane place, while injecting just enough Springtime bounce not to send everyone to sleep.
Little less conversation ? Elvis Presley
There’s always one person who expends more energy yapping than lifting (we see you nodding). Of course, with Smartbox, it’s not such a biggie, because you have 24 leisurely hours to pack your mobile container. But if you’ve rented a truck by the hour? well. This hip-swiveling number from The King is the not-so-subtle reminder you need to get disruptive dawdlers back to work.

Use somebody ? Kings of Leon
We’d like to dedicate this song to all those people who suddenly realised that they really shouldn’t have tried to lug that queen-sized mattress up a long staircase all by themself.

If you’re happy and you know it ? someone in Latvia
You’ll have no trouble enlisting kids for packing, moving and storing duty with this joyful children’s favourite. Get the giggles rolling with familiar instructions like “clap your hands” and “carry teddy”. Then, while you have their gleeful attention, see how, “If you’re happy and you know it, drag a fridge” or “push a couch” works out.

Don’t stop ‘til you get enough? Michael Jackson
The Smartbox team knows a bit about packing, moving and storage, but when we want some seriously cool moving tips, we go straight to the King of Pop. Even though the Moonwalk was still to come, this was Michael at his funkadelic. Turn it up and make some room, because of the force? has a lot of power?it will make you feel like, make you feel like? Whoo!

Rocky theme
It’s the end of the day. All that’s left is one sprint up those Philadelphia Museum stairs to moving and storage glory, and a KO victory over clutter. Don’t give up now Rock! Lift that last box of unused kitchen utensils, dog-eared books or 70s movie soundtrack CDs. Then, slide it into that mobile container, raise your hands, soak up the roar of the crowd and in your best Sly voice scream “Yo Adriannn, I did it!”